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Paramount Ecological Resources



A peer-reviewed, open-access Journal called Paramount Ecological Resources publishes original research papers, reviews, and commentary on all facets of ecology and environmental science. Our goal is to encourage the sharing of excellent, cutting-edge research that advances knowledge of the intricate relationships that exist between living things and their surroundings.

From fundamental studies on biodiversity and ecosystem function to applied research on conservation and sustainability, we are dedicated to publishing the most recent findings in ecology and environmental science. We support interdisciplinary research that transcends conventional boundaries and promotes cooperation between researchers from many sectors.

Leading experts in ecology and environmental science make up our editorial team, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience in academic publishing. Our reviewers are authorities in their disciplines, offering authors rigorous and helpful criticism to help them improve their work and advance ecological knowledge.

Since Paramount Ecological Resources is an open-access publication, readers can view all of the journal's papers for free and without a subscription or other costs. The widest possible distribution of scientific knowledge is encouraged by being able to reach a large audience of researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, and the general public in this way.

We adhere to stringent rules for authorship, plagiarism, data fabrication, and conflict of interest because we are dedicated to sustaining the highest standards of scientific integrity and publication ethics. We also work to ensure that all voices and viewpoints are represented in the research we publish. This commitment extends to the editorial standards and processes we use to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In general, Paramount Ecological Resources is committed to furthering ecology and environmental science by disseminating ground-breaking and excellent research that advances our understanding of the intricate relationships between living things and their environments.