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Paramount Ecological Resources



To make sure that the research that is published in our journal is of the highest caliber, accurate, and pertinent, Paramount Ecological Resources employs a strict peer review procedure. The following steps are frequently included in the peer review procedure:

i.Manuscript submission: Authors use an online mechanism to send their manuscripts to the journal. The manuscript is examined to make sure it adheres to the guidelines for submission, including the right formatting and the inclusion of all required sections.

ii. Initial review: To determine whether the manuscript is appropriate for publication in the journal, the editor-in-chief sends it to an associate editor who then conducts an initial review. If the paper is deemed inappropriate for the journal or does not fulfill the requirements for quality, accuracy, and relevancy, the associate editor may reject it outright.

iii.Peer review: If the paper passes the initial review, it is sent to at least two subject-matter experts who grade it on its originality, relevance, and scientific value. Reviewers offer suggestions for corrections and enhancements to the authors and the associate editor in their feedback.

iv.Revisions:The authors make changes to the manuscript in response to suggestions made by the reviewers and the associate editor. They also submit the amended version of the paper and a thorough explanation of their responses.

v. Final judgment: The associate editor renders a judgment on the article based on suggestions from the reviewers and changes made by the authors. Accepting the manuscript, accepting it with minor adjustments, asking for significant revisions and resubmitting the manuscript, or outright rejecting the manuscript are all options.

vi.Publication:If the text is approved, the production team will format, typeset, and copyedit it before publication. Before the paper is published in the journal, the authors are given a proof of the final version to review and approve.

In general, Paramount Ecological Resources' peer review procedure is made to make sure that all published research adheres to the highest standards of quality, accuracy, and applicability. Our reviewers and editors are dedicated to giving authors helpful criticism so they can refine their work and expand our understanding of ecology.