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Paramount Ecological Resources



The publication of scientific findings will always adhere to the highest ethical standards, according to Paramount Ecological Resources. The ethical standards that influence our editing policies and procedures are outlined in the following guidelines:

i. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is not tolerated at Paramount Ecological Resources. The work of authors must be completely unique and properly referenced. Any time you use someone else's work, you must properly credit them.

ii. Data falsification and fabrication: Paramount Ecological Resources does not accept data that has been altered or falsified. The conduct of the authors' study must be ethical and open, and any inconsistencies or mistakes must be addressed right away.

iii. Authorship: Authors are required to make sure that all those who made a significant contribution to the research are listed as authors. The final draft of the manuscript must have been seen and approved by all authors.

iv. Potential conflicts of interest: Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that might affect the study's findings or how they are interpreted. The manuscript must disclose any funding sources or any conflicts of interest.

v. Reviewer confidentiality: During the review process, reviewers are expected to maintain their anonymity. Any information gathered throughout the review procedure must be kept private and must not be utilized for self-promotion or to sway the publication decision.

vi. Editorial independence: Paramount Ecological Resources is steadfast in its commitment to editorial independence and will not put up with any attempts to sway the choice of what to publish. The manuscript's scientific value alone will determine whether it is published.

vii. Corrections and retractions: If errors or inaccuracies are found in an article that has already been published, the authors must immediately fix the record. The article may be retracted in circumstances of major inaccuracies or ethical violations.

The publication of scientific findings will always adhere to the highest ethical standards, according to Paramount Ecological Resources. We anticipate that all authors, reviewers, and editors will abide by these principles and encourage the greatest levels of integrity and openness in their work.