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Paramount Ecological Resources



General guideline for authors submitting their work to Paramount Ecological Resources are listed below:

1. Scope and Fit: Make sure your research fits with Paramount Ecological Resources' priorities such as Wildlife Ecology, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Biology, Biodiversity, Conservation Ecology, Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment, Ornithology, Climate Change, environmental management and sustainability. Review prior articles to gain an understanding of the kinds of studies that are regularly published in the journal, and become familiar with its objectives and scope.

2. Originality and Significance: Make it clear how innovative and important your research is. Emphasize the ways in which your study closes a knowledge gap, adds to the body of knowledge, or presents novel ideas. Use a logical, straightforward, and concise writing style when composing your manuscript. Your study question, goals, procedures, findings, and conclusions must be stated in clear terms. Make sure your thoughts are logically connected and coherent across the entire manuscript.

3. Methodology and analytical: Describe your study's design, data gathering procedures, and analytical methodologies in great detail. Explicitly state how your techniques address your research topic and back up your conclusions. Make sure your methodology is acceptable for your study goals and adheres to strict scientific standards.

4. Findings and Analysis: Present your findings in an unbiased and straightforward manner. Make better use of tables, figures, and graphs when presenting data. Discuss the consequences of your findings in relation to natural resources and provide an appropriate interpretation of your findings backed by the facts.

5. Citation and Referencing: Accurately and ethically cite all pertinent information sources. For constructing your reference list and in-text citations, stick to the journal's unique APA citation guidelines. Make sure you've given due credit to other writers and adequately recognized prior research.

6. Figures and Tables: Make sure that all of your figures and tables are understandable, well labelled, and pertinent to the subject matter of your work. Give readers the necessary context and captions to help them grasp the information being displayed.

7. Ethics and Compliance: Make sure your study conforms with all applicable laws and ethical standards. Obtain the required authorizations before collecting data, using copyrighted content, or using human or animal subjects. Any potential conflicts of interest must be declared in full.

8. Review and revision: Before submitting your manuscript, give it a thorough review and revision. Check your writing for clarity, spelling, and grammatical faults. To raise the general caliber of your work, ask your mentors or colleagues for their opinions.

9. Adhere to the journal's rules: Please read the Paramount Ecological Resources submission rules carefully and follow them. Pay close attention to word counts, formatting specifications, and any other guidelines for manuscript preparation.

10. Reaction to Reviewers: If your paper is subjected to peer review, thoroughly evaluate the reviewers' comments. In your edit, deliberately and fully address each comment or recommendation. Provide a detailed justification for your decision to ignore a particular proposal or clearly describe how you have incorporated the adjustments.

Please refer to the relevant Paramount Ecological Resources guidelines for further information regarding the requirements and full instructions. Your chances of a successful publication will increase if you abide by these rules.